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Version 1.2 was fun af! Can already see in just the demo that choices matter, the NPCs have great full personalities and all the art and music are top tier. Love it


Big fan, can't wait to see where this goes


interesting demo so far, I would've loved a bit less world building and  a bit more Zaerell but it has a lot of promise and I rly loved the quirky deaths and humor that the game has! Best of luck on it!

Thanks for your feedback! I intend to add more CGs in the start of the story to make it more interesting and I might add more moments before the start of the routes! The start has a lot of world building to help focus solely on the characters later, but I can definitely see it becoming dry so I'll try to segment in more interesting moments between.  The extended demo will have all of act 1, so you'll be introduced to Mariel and Kiera as well as experience the start of Zaerell's and Nyx's routes (one of which does include Nyx and a bath lmao).   

Thanks again for playing my demo! Your feedback is super helpful and means a lot! I hope to see you again for the extended demo and full game!

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Ahh!! This was so fun! Can't wait to be even more gay for Zaerell in future updates!! 

Thank you!! There's a lot of him to come


this was soooooo fun!!! i adore the witty writing and i genuinely let out laughter at some points because of the situation the mc was put in... the character designs are also wickedly COOL and i'm kind of in love with zaerell.... i look forward to more!!! thank you for sharing such a fun and amazing creation with us!! ^__^

Aaa I'm so glad you like it! Thank you so much!!

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I keep getting a type error? other than this the game seems to run fine, idk whats triggering it, maybe when i try to load a save?

Hmmm that's strange, when are you getting the error? What does the error say exactly as well?


This is awesome! Can't wait for more updates.

Thank you!! Keep an eye out for dev logs and X/twitter posts! I'll try to keep everyone as updated as I can


I'm a mac user *sobs* seems really cool tho!!!


I'll work on getting a mac version out soon!


I love this concept so much, but the save seems broken? or maybe I'm not allowed until I reach a certain point?

Yes! I'm working on the fix right now, should be up in an hour or two!